Lindra is a personal project built for affiliate experiments on Amazon

  • Very simple one page site
  • Of course responsive
  • Obsession for performance
    • Experimenting with Javascript frameworks, Vue.js in this case, for finding the best way to load and render a lot of products
    • The information is from a JSON built in a layout-less collection template and it contains max 250 products
    • The number of rendered products on page load and after on load more is adjusted for the best user experience, with the screen size taken into consideration
  • Custom infinite loading
    • Researched and experiment with the best practices in infinite loading
    • Limited number of products with a load more button for the user to be able to see the page footer
  • Started with the Debut theme, witch was stripped down to only needed code
  • Custom domain implementation
  • Hotjar implementation, Analytics, Adwords
  • Tags: has_description
  • Projects


    Simple one-product shop with complex needs In-house built application for custom reports  Location check because of limited delivery. We didn't...

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    • Full custom shop developed for the needs of multiple marketing teams
    • Same theme on multiple webshops
    • Custom one-page checkout
    • Custom products description
    • Intensive testing and optimising UX improvements ...
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